Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia, was the target of a swatting attempt at her home on Christmas, according to authorities.

Making false reports of crimes to emergency services with the intention of attracting SWAT teams or local police to a specific place is known as “swatting,” a purposeful and unlawful form of harassment. It can be used to distribute false information on social media and is frequently directed towards someone’s home or place of employment.

It’s the eighth attempt, according to Greene, who tweeted about the incident on X, the former name for Twitter.

Kelly Madden, a Rome, Georgia, spokesman, told The Associated Press that the call was a fake and that no police were sent to Greene’s residence. According to Madden, who spoke with the AP, a man in New York contacted a suicide hotline in Georgia and said he had shot his fiancée at Greene’s house and planned to take his own life.

Greene posted on X, the former Twitter platform, saying, “My local police are the GREATEST and shouldn’t have to deal with this.”

She added that on December 21, she received death threats on social media from a man who had swatted her. She posted that no one has been apprehended as of yet as a suspect.

“Swatting calls have resulted in fatalities; it is a very dangerous activity. In addition, Greene noted, “it’s a waste of police resources, time, and harassment.” “I will be introducing legislation to track down swatters.”

According to Madden, Rome police have established a tight working relationship with Greene’s security detail and are currently seeking to locate the most recent harasser, as reported by the AP.

The lawmaker, who is renowned for accepting conspiracy theories, has been attacked previously. After threatening to kill her, a man in Georgia was taken into custody last month.


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