The Station House Officer of Civil Lines received the complaint. It said that in spite of protests from staff members and security officers, Maliwal broke into the Chief Minister’s house with force and without authorization.

AAP MP Swati Maliwal is accused of being assaulted by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s personal assistant, Bibhav Kumar. Maliwal filed a formal complaint against Kejriwal, accusing her of verbal abuse, unlawful access, and threats. Bibhav Kumar also raised the possibility that the BJP may have been involved in the incident.
The Station House Officer of Civil Lines received the complaint. It said that in spite of protests from staff members and security officers, Maliwal broke into the Chief Minister’s house with force and without authorization. Kumar said that Maliwal verbally abused him and disregarded security procedures in response to his request to make an appointment with the Chief Minister.

In the complaint, Kumar described the situation as follows: she started ranting, cursing, and questioning the authority of security guards. He went on to say that her actions appeared dubious and that they were intended to hurt the Chief Minister.
Threatening Mr. Kumar, Maliwal allegedly said, “I will make sure you face consequences; I will ensure you rot in jail for life.” After persistent demands, Ms. Maliwal eventually departed the premises approximately 9:35 am, with the intervention of security authorities.

Bibhav lodged a complaint after seeing a video of Maliwal yelling and hitting the security officers inside Arvind Kejriwal’s home, which was circulated on May 17. The incident by Swati Maliwal later sparked worries about possible CCTV camera manipulation at CM’s home.
In an apparent reference to political intentions behind the incident, especially in light of the impending Lok Sabha elections, he urged authorities to prosecute Maliwal and asked for a probe into her possible connections with BJP leaders.

The uproar surrounding Swati Maliwal’s charge against Bibhav Kumar for allegedly beating her at the Chief Minister’s residence has coincided with the filing of the complaint by Arvind Kejriwal’s aide. Maliwal’s complaint had prompted the Delhi Police to submit a FIR, which included unsettling details of the incident.
Maliwal stated that on May 13 in the Civil Lines house, she was physically attacked by Bibhav Kumar, the Chief Minister’s Personal Secretary. She claimed that even though she made multiple attempts to meet with the Chief Minister, Kumar allegedly physically attacked her.


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