MP New Chief Minister: Madhya Pradesh’s new chief minister’s name has been revealed. Mohan Yadav has been appointed the state’s new chief minister. At today’s legislative party meeting, the party’s leader was chosen. The uncertainty surrounding Madhya Pradesh’s next chief minister has ended with this meeting. The BJP ran its candidacy for chief ministerial position absentee a few months prior to the assembly elections. As a result, there is conjecture regarding the identity of the Chief Minister.

Let us inform you that, in the assembly elections, the BJP secured 163 seats. Congress was ranked second. A candidate running independently has taken the seat.

In the race, there were numerous names.

There were a lot of well-known candidates running for the position of MP CM. which featured a long list of names, including Kailash Vijayvargiya, Jyotiraditya Scindia, VD Sharma, Prahlad Patel, and Narendra Singh Tomar. wherein the Union Ministers have tendered their resignations. To everyone’s surprise, the BJP appointed Mohan Yadav as the new chief minister.The winner of the Ujjain South seat is Mohan Yadav. We should inform you that Mohan Yadav served as the Minister of Higher Education. He has won the Ujjain South seat by winning the elections three times in a row. This is his third consecutive election victory. first held the position of MLA in 2013. In the Shivraj government, he served as a cabinet minister.


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